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Our 2 Cents

Welcome to Professional Financial Solution’s blog, Our 2 Cents! We aim to provide you with brief insights and analysis on financial planning and investment topics. If any clients or other readers have questions or topics that they would like to see covered here, please feel free to contact us by email or by posting a comment to a recent blog post. By reading the articles on this blog, you acknowledge our warning and disclaimer, provided here. Articles are provided for informational purposes only and shall not be relied upon as personal financial or investment advice.

Medicare Decisions: I’m about to Turn Age 65, What Should I Do?

Turning age 65—and having to make Medicare decisions along with it—generates a variety of emotions among our clients.  For some, […]

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Understanding the Advance Child Tax Credit: Should You Say No to Free Money?

The child tax credit doubled in value back in 2018 with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and now in […]

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Embracing the Roller Coaster Ride: The Benefits of Market Volatility

The spring of 2020 brought a host of new stresses and concerns as the pandemic abruptly pushed normal life aside […]

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PFS Webinar: Tax-Efficient Charitable Giving

PFS advisers Rob Copeland and Renee Sewall presented the following webinar on May 25, 2021. They discussed how to conduct […]

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Pro Tips for Selling Your Investment Properties

Selling an investment property is different from selling a primary residence. In many cases, when you put an investment property […]

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Why Hiring a Financial Adviser Could Be Good for Your Marriage

A few years ago, the Wall Street Journal published an article entitled, How Couples Can Resolve Their Biggest Fights Over Money.  […]

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(703) 385-0870