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Our 2 Cents

Welcome to Professional Financial Solution’s blog, Our 2 Cents! We aim to provide you with brief insights and analysis on financial planning and investment topics. If any clients or other readers have questions or topics that they would like to see covered here, please feel free to contact us by email or by posting a comment to a recent blog post. By reading the articles on this blog, you acknowledge our warning and disclaimer, provided here. Articles are provided for informational purposes only and shall not be relied upon as personal financial or investment advice.

Year-End Tax Planning:  Lowering Your Tax Bill with Charitable Giving

As we quickly approach the end of the year, some of you may be considering what you can do to […]

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PFS Webinar: College Funding Seminar

PFS advisers Rob Copeland and Renee Sewall presented the following webinar on September 11, 2023, for an audience from Trinity […]

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Tax Diversification:  Strategy to Lower Lifetime Taxes and Help Assets Last

As many employers have canceled pension programs over the past several decades, retirees increasingly must rely on their assets, not […]

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Four Tips for Playing the Credit Card Game Well

Thanks to credit cards, paying for goods and services has been reduced to a mere tap of a card or […]

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How to Motivate Young Employees to Save For Retirement

Planning for retirement often takes a backseat for many young workers, much to the chagrin of their parents and employers.  […]

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What Pan-Wielding Parisians Might Like to Know:  The Advantages of Working Later in Life

In recent weeks, French protestors have been banging pots and pans in protest of President Macron increasing the French retirement […]

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(703) 385-0870